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Showing 81-100 of 139 Members.

Dr Mia HoogenboomStaff
Professor Andrew HoeyStaff
JCUAlgae, Behaviour, Benthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Commercial use, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Distribution, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Physiology, Quantitative marine science, Sharks / Rays, Tagging, Temporal change
Assoc Professor Lionel HebbardStaff
JCUBacteria, Biochemistry, Biodiscovery, Commercial use, Genetics, Molecular techniques, Natural products chemistry
Dr Hugo HarrisonStaff
JCUClimate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Genetics, Marine planning, Molecular techniques, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science, Temporal change
Dr Richard HarrisStaff
AIMSBehaviour, Biochemistry, Biodiscovery, Chemical ecology, Coral reefs, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Echinoderms, Ecology, Fish, Intertidal, Jelly fish, Marine worms, Molecular techniques, Molluscs, Physiology, Sea snakes, Sharks / Rays
Dr Vanessa HallerStaff
AIMSClimate change, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Ecology, Human use, Management tools, Marine planning, Modelling, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science, Temporal change
Dr Renee GruberStaff
AIMSAlgae, Benthic, Biochemistry, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Management tools, Monitoring, Oceanography, Pelagic, Plankton, Qualitative techniques, Sea grass, Seagrass beds
Assoc Professor Alana GrechStaff
JCUCetaceans, Climate change, Coastal development, Commercial use, Distribution, Dugong, Fishing impact, Flowering plants, Human use, Intertidal, Management tools, Mangroves, Mapping, Marine planning, Modelling, Natural disturbance, Oceanography, Pollution, Sea grass, Seagrass beds
Dr Nicholas GrahamStaff
Dr Samantha GoyenStaff
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Bacteria, Biochemistry, Biodiscovery, Biostatistics, Climate change, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Genetics, Interaction, Intertidal, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Marine planning, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Physiology, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Rocky reefs, Tagging, Taxonomy, Temporal change
Ms Hayley GorsuchStaff
Dr Sophie GordonStaff
AIMSAquaculture, Benthic, Climate change, Commercial use, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Distribution, Ecology, Field based, Interaction, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Modelling, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Oceanography, Physiology, Qualitative techniques, Remote Sensing
Dr Maria del Carmen Gomez CabreraStaff
AIMSAlgae, Behaviour, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Distribution, Echinoderms, Ecology, Field based, Genetics, Interaction, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Molecular techniques, Natural disturbance, Plankton, Taxonomy
Assoc Professor Hossein GhodosiStaff
Mr Darin GawStaff
Dr Naomi GardinerStaff
JCUCoral reefs, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Intertidal, Manipulative experiments, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Quantitative marine science
Dr Ashton GainsfordStaff
AIMSAlgae, Behaviour, Benthic, Biostatistics, Bryozoans, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Echinoderms, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Genetics, Human use, Indigenous culture, Intertidal, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Marine planning, Marine worms, Molecular techniques, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Porifera (sponges), Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Rocky reefs, Sea anemones, Seagrass beds, Shellfish, Social interactions, Soft bottom, Taxonomy, Temporal change, Tourism, Tunicates (Sea squirts)
Ms Grace FrankStaff
AIMSBenthic, Biochemistry, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Distribution, Ecology, Field based, Human use, Indigenous culture, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Pollution, Quantitative marine science, Taxonomy
Ms Manuwuri Traceylee ForesterStaff
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Artificial reef, Behaviour, Benthic, Biodiscovery, Climate change, Coastal development, Commercial use, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Demersal, Disease, Dugong, Echinoderms, Economic development, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Indigenous culture, Intertidal, Jelly fish, Management tools, Mangroves, Mapping, Mariculture, Marine planning, Microbial, Modelling, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Pelagic, Pollution, Remote Sensing, Rocky reefs, Sea grass, Sea level rise, Seagrass beds, Shellfish, Social interactions, Soft bottom, Tagging, Tourism, Turtles
Ms Florita FloresStaff
AIMSAlgae, Climate change, Coastal development, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Manipulative experiments, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Pollution, Sea grass