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Our People

Showing 61-80 of 237 Members.

Dr Heidi LuterStaff
AIMSBacteria, Benthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Disease, Ecology, Genetics, Manipulative experiments, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Pollution, Porifera (sponges)
Dr Adrien MarcStaff
AIMSAquaculture, Artificial reef, Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Climate change, Commercial use, Controlled Environment, Crustaceans, Fish, Genetics, Human use, Manipulative experiments, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Physiology, Quantitative marine science
Ms Bailey MarquardtStudent
AIMSAlgae, Artificial reef, Bacteria, Behaviour, Biodiscovery, Biostatistics, Cetaceans, Chemical ecology, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Disease, Distribution, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Fish, Flowering plants, Genetics, Human use, Interaction, Management tools, Mangroves, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Microbiology, Modelling, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Rocky reefs, Sea anemones, Sea grass, Sea level rise, Seagrass beds, Sharks / Rays, Social interactions, Soft bottom, Tagging, Taxonomy, Temporal change, Virus
Mrs Tara McLarenStaff
Dr Phil MercurioStaff
AIMSBiochemistry, Chemical ecology, Coastal development, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Natural products chemistry, Pollution
Dr Benjamin MoshirianStaff
AIMSClimate change, Field based, Monitoring, Remote Sensing, Tagging
Mr Bob MuirStaff
AIMSCommunication / Education, Indigenous culture
Ms Kellie NavarroStudent
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Genetics, Human use, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Physiology, Pollution, Qualitative techniques, Social interactions
Dr Andrew NegriStaff
Dr Matthew NitschkeStaff
AIMSAlgae, Bacteria, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Interaction, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Ocean warming, Physiology, Sea anemones, Taxonomy
Dr Mikaela NordborgStaff
AIMSAquaculture, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Manipulative experiments, Pollution
Dr Cathie PageStaff
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Artificial reef, Benthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Disease, Ecology, Field based, Fishing impact, Human use, Intertidal, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mariculture, Marine planning, Modelling, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Pollution, Rocky reefs, Seagrass beds, Tagging, Taxonomy
Mr Joshua ParkerStaff
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Artificial reef, Bacteria, Behaviour, Benthic, Biostatistics, Bryozoans, Cetaceans, Climate change, Coastal development, Commercial use, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Demersal, Disease, Distribution, Dugong, Echinoderms, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Flowering plants, Fungi, Genetics, Human use, Indigenous culture, Interaction, Intertidal, Jelly fish, Management tools, Mangroves, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Mariculture, Marine planning, Marine worms, Microbial, Microbiology, Modelling, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Pelagic, Physiology, Plankton, Pollution, Porifera (sponges), Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Rocky reefs, Sea anemones, Sea grass, Sea level rise, Sea snakes, Seagrass beds, Sediment dwellers, Sharks / Rays, Shellfish, Social interactions, Soft bottom, Squid / cuttlefish / octopus, Tagging, Taxonomy, Temporal change, Tourism, Tunicates (Sea squirts), Turtles, Virus
Dr Miles ParsonsStaff
AIMSAlgae, Artificial reef, Behaviour, Benthic, Cetaceans, Climate change, Coastal development, Commercial use, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Demersal, Disease, Dugong, Echinoderms, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Intertidal, Jelly fish, Management tools, Mangroves, Manipulative experiments, Marine planning, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Pelagic, Physiology, Plankton, Pollution, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Rocky reefs, Sea grass, Sea snakes, Seagrass beds, Sharks / Rays, Shellfish, Soft bottom, Squid / cuttlefish / octopus, Turtles
Ms Frances PatelStaff
Ms Priscilla PetoStaff
Ms Tara PrenzlauStaff
AIMSAlgae, Artificial reef, Bacteria, Behaviour, Benthic, Biochemistry, Bryozoans, Chemical ecology, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Disease, Distribution, Echinoderms, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Flowering plants, Genetics, Human use, Interaction, Jelly fish, Management tools, Marine worms, Microbial, Microbiology, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Physiology, Plankton, Pollution, Porifera (sponges), Sea anemones, Sea grass, Sea level rise, Sea snakes, Sediment dwellers, Sharks / Rays, Shellfish, Soft bottom, Squid / cuttlefish / octopus, Taxonomy, Temporal change, Tourism, Tunicates (Sea squirts), Virus
Dr Marji PuotinenStaff
AIMSAlgae, Benthic, Climate change, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Mapping, Marine planning, Modelling, Natural disturbance, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Sea grass, Temporal change
Dr Ben RadfordStaff
AIMSAlgae, Artificial reef, Behaviour, Benthic, Biostatistics, Cetaceans, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Crustaceans, Deep sea, Demersal, Distribution, Echinoderms, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Genetics, Human use, Indigenous culture, Interaction, Intertidal, Management tools, Mangroves, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Modelling, Molluscs, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Non native species, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Pelagic, Physiology, Pollution, Porifera (sponges), Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Rocky reefs, Sea anemones, Sea grass, Sea level rise, Seagrass beds, Sediment dwellers, Sharks / Rays, Shellfish, Soft bottom, Taxonomy, Temporal change, Turtles
Dr Blake RamsbyStaff
AIMSAlgae, Bacteria, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Interaction, Manipulative experiments, Microbial, Microbiology, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Physiology, Porifera (sponges)