Our People
Showing 81-100 of 237 Members.
Name | Type | Institution | Keywords |
Dr Carly Randall | Staff | AIMS | Artificial reef, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Disease, Ecology, Field based, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Monitoring, Ocean warming, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science |
Dr Barbara Robson | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Biochemistry, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Ecology, Intertidal, Management tools, Marine planning, Modelling, Oceanography, Pelagic, Plankton, Pollution, Quantitative marine science, Sea grass, Seagrass beds, Temporal change |
Mr Matthew Salmon | Staff | AIMS | - |
Dr Britta Schaffelke | Staff | AIMS | - |
Dr Rachael Smith | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Aquaculture, Artificial reef, Climate change, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Ecology, Field based, Genetics, Human use, Indigenous culture, Interaction, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Modelling, Monitoring, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Physiology, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Social interactions, Temporal change, Tourism |
Professor Selina Stead | Staff | AIMS | Aquaculture, Artificial reef, Behaviour, Benthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Corals, Crustaceans, Demersal, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Indigenous culture, Management tools, Mangroves, Mapping, Mariculture, Marine planning, Modelling, Ocean warming, Pelagic, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science, Rocky reefs, Sharks / Rays, Shellfish, Social interactions, Tourism, Turtles |
Mr John Stratford | Student | AIMS | Artificial reef, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science, Temporal change |
Dr Claire Streten | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Bacteria, Benthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Distribution, Economic development, Human use, Mapping, Microbial, Microbiology, Modelling, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Oceanography, Quantitative marine science |
Ms Maren Toor | Staff | AIMS | Benthic, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Mapping, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming |
Dr Sven Uthicke | Staff | AIMS | - |
Dr Virginie van Dongen-Vogels | Staff | AIMS | Biochemistry, Climate change, Coral reefs, Ecology, Field based, Microbiology, Monitoring, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Pelagic, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Temporal change |
Professor Madeleine van Oppen | Staff | AIMS | - |
Dr Deepa Ruth Varkey | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Bacteria, Coral reefs, Corals, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Ocean warming, Pelagic, Physiology |
Dr David Wachenfeld | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Benthic, Biodiscovery, Biostatistics, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Corals, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Disease, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Modelling, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Physiology, Pollution, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing |
Dr shaun wilson | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Benthic, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Human use, Management tools, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science |
Dr Bozena Wojtasiewicz | Staff | AIMS | Algae, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Field based, Monitoring, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Plankton, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing |
Dr Yun Kit Yeoh | Staff | AIMS | Bacteria, Ecology, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques |
Ms Beatriz Zachello | Student | AIMS | Biochemistry, Coastal development, Management tools, Mangroves, Molluscs, Monitoring, Pollution |
Mr agus rahman eka putra abas | Student | JCU | Climate change, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Genetics, Molecular techniques, Molluscs, Qualitative techniques, Temporal change |
Assoc Professor Ellen Ariel | Staff | JCU | Aquaculture, Bacteria, Behaviour, Controlled Environment, Crustaceans, Disease, Field based, Fish, Genetics, Human use, Interaction, Intertidal, Management tools, Marine planning, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Seagrass beds, Tagging, Turtles, Virus |