Commuter Vehicle

Commuter Vehicle

AIMS@JCU provides two vehicles which travel to AIMS and back on a daily basis (driver dependent). This facility is available and free for all AIMS@JCU members, making the commute more cost-effective for students and occasionally staff who wish to use the facilities at AIMS. There are two departure points, one at JCU and one at South Townsville.  Both vehicles can be booked by members through the AIMS@JCU website and seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Commuter Vehicle

AIMS@JCU provides two vehicles which travel to AIMS and back on a daily basis (driver dependent). This facility is available and free for all AIMS@JCU members, making the commute more cost-effective for students and occasionally staff who wish to use the facilities at AIMS. There are two departure points, one at JCU and one at South Townsville.  Both vehicles can be booked by members through the AIMS@JCU website and seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Your safety is our priority. Please always drive as carefully as possible and adhere to all Queensland road rules and current weather conditions.

Please watch these videos to refresh your driving knowledge:

General introduction to road safety

Road safety is our responsibility

Distractions while driving


Dealing with adverse conditions when driving

Rural driving

Please read the AIMS@JCU policy and procedures and LOGIN HERE to book a place one of the AIMS@JCU commuter vehicles.

The JCU-based vehicle is located just outside the gated compound off to the side of building DC061. 

The South Townsville vehicle is located at 19°15'22"S 146°49'40"E

Both vehicles leave at 7:30am and depart AIMS at 4:40pm.

The vehicles cannot travel to AIMS without a registered driver.

  • The commuter vehicles will operate directly from James Cook University/AVF to the Australian Institute of Marine Science and are not available for personal use or to pick up or drop off commuters at a residential address.
  • At JCU the vehicle is to be parked in the “After hours vehicle return area” outside the Estate Directorate compound. While at AIMS the vehicle is to be parked in the Visitor Car Park in the car park closest to the entrance gate, or at another car park by agreement of travellers.
  • Authorisation of drivers and use of the vehicle will be as per the current ‘AIMS@JCU driver agreement’ document.
  • Only authorised drivers may drive the commuter vehicle. In the electronic booking system, authorised drivers will be listed as eligible drivers, while other members may only be passengers.
  • Members will have access to the booking facility through the AIMS@JCU website.
  • Bookings will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and must be finalised by 3pm the day before travel. If a second driver is available and the first vehicle leaving from JCU is full, a second vehicle will be automatically arranged by JCU (this is not available for the AVF-based vehicle).
  • Vehicle keys will be available for collection from the Vehicle Fleet office JCU campus.
  • The designated driver of the vehicle should collect the keys from the JCU Vehicle Fleet Office unless direct communication with one of the other commuters arranges an alternate person to collect the keys.
  • If the designated driver has not arrived within ten minutes of the scheduled departure time, an alternative authorised driver should obtain the keys. If no eligible drivers are travelling on that trip, the vehicle is unable to travel to AIMS.
  • Commuters should be aware of other travellers booked in the vehicle for the trip. If a booked passenger has not arrived by the scheduled departure time, the designated driver should nonetheless ensure the vehicle departs no later than five minutes after the scheduled departure time in the morning and ten minutes in the afternoon.
  • The Vehicle Log Sheet is to be completed for each trip by the driver. This provides cover for the driver in the event of accident and ensures correct identification of users who incur fines such as speeding or parking.

If you would like to register to be an AIMS@JCU driver please follow the instructions here