Chinenye Jane Ani - AIMS@JCU

Chinenye Jane Ani

Recipient of an AIMS@JCU Scholarship

College of Science and Engineering

Chinenye Jane Ani

College of Science and Engineering
Biogeochemical modelling of tropical marine ecosystems in the context of climate change

She completed her BSc in Mathematics at the University of Jos in Nigeria and her MSc in Mathematics at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. She continued to a Research Masters in Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town where she developed an interest in Marine Science for policy impact.

Biogeochemical modelling of tropical marine ecosystems in the context of climate change

2019 to 2023

Project Description

Her project would develop an improved marine biogeochemical model for the Great Barrier Reef that builds upon the existing world-class eReefs models but better accounts for processes and responses relevant to climate change scenarios.

Project Importance

Her project would help make reliable predictions of marine ecosystem response to climate change and frame these predictions in a way that makes them relevant to policy decisions.

Project Methods

She will evaluate algorithms, processes and forcings of the eReefs models for the Great Barrier Reef and carry out an uncertainty analysis in order to understand how the assumptions built into the model affects its suitability to climate change.

Project Results

She hopes to develop a prioritised list of model processes that may need to be improved to support more reliable prediction of the Great Barrier Reef's response to climate change.


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