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Showing 61-80 of 227 Members.

Mrs Tiny Remmers BarryStudent
JCUBenthic, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Corals, Distribution, Ecology, Field based, Management tools, Mapping, Marine planning, Modelling, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Pollution, Quantitative marine science, Remote Sensing, Temporal change
Mr Alfonso Ruiz MorenoStudent
JCUBiostatistics, Distribution, Ecology, Quantitative marine science
Mrs Merle SchlawinskyStudent
JCUBehaviour, Benthic, Biostatistics, Coral reefs, Crown of Thorn Starfish, Ecology, Field based, Fishing impact, Genetics, Management tools, Modelling, Molluscs, Quantitative marine science
Ms Alexis SedgwickStudent
JCUAquaculture, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Genetics, Manipulative experiments, Mariculture, Molecular techniques, Ocean warming
Ms Madeleine SjoelundStudent
JCUAlgae, Aquaculture, Benthic, Controlled Environment, Ecology, Intertidal, Mariculture, Pelagic, Pollution
Ms Gabrielle SpecaStudent
JCUAquaculture, Artificial reef, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Coastal development, Communication / Education, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Distribution, Ecology, Field based, Genetics, Human use, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Marine planning, Microbiology, Modelling, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Physiology, Pollution, Quantitative marine science, Social interactions, Temporal change, Tourism
Mr John StratfordStudent
AIMSArtificial reef, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Economic development, Field based, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mapping, Marine planning, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science, Temporal change
Mr Marko TerzinStudent
JCUBacteria, Biostatistics, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Management tools, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Porifera (sponges), Quantitative marine science
Ms Callaway ThatcherStudent
JCUAquaculture, Bacteria, Climate change, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Disease, Genetics, Manipulative experiments, Microbial, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Quantitative marine science
Mr Kelsey WebberStudent
JCUAlgae, Benthic, Biostatistics, Climate change, Coastal development, Coral reefs, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Fishing impact, Genetics, Molecular techniques, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Pollution, Taxonomy
Ms Crystle WeeStudent
JCUAquaculture, Artificial reef, Climate change, Communication / Education, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Management tools, Manipulative experiments, Mariculture, Monitoring, Quantitative marine science
Ms Taylor WhitmanStudent
JCUAlgae, Artificial reef, Benthic, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Fish, Manipulative experiments, Modelling, Natural disturbance, Ocean warming, Quantitative marine science
Ms Nicoline WindingStudent
Ms Jessica ZacharukStudent
JCUBehaviour, Climate change, Crustaceans, Microbiology, Plankton, Pollution
Ms Beatriz ZachelloStudent
AIMSBiochemistry, Coastal development, Management tools, Mangroves, Molluscs, Monitoring, Pollution
Dr Muhammad Azmi Abdul WahabStaff
AIMSAlgae, Aquaculture, Behaviour, Benthic, Climate change, Controlled Environment, Coral reefs, Corals, Deep sea, Ecology, Field based, Interaction, Intertidal, Manipulative experiments, Mariculture, Natural disturbance, Pollution, Porifera (sponges), Quantitative marine science, Soft bottom, Taxonomy
Dr Mariana Alvarez-NoriegaStaff
AIMSClimate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Ecology, Field based, Manipulative experiments, Modelling, Natural disturbance, Qualitative techniques, Quantitative marine science
Dr Chinenye AniStaff
AIMSAlgae, Climate change, Coral reefs, Corals, Management tools, Modelling, Ocean warming, Oceanography, Plankton, Quantitative marine science
Assoc Professor Ellen ArielStaff
JCUAquaculture, Bacteria, Behaviour, Controlled Environment, Crustaceans, Disease, Field based, Fish, Genetics, Human use, Interaction, Intertidal, Management tools, Marine planning, Microbiology, Molecular techniques, Monitoring, Natural disturbance, Seagrass beds, Tagging, Turtles, Virus
Ms Suzannah BabicciStaff