Student Profiles

Here is a selection of profiles from past and current student members by the year they started their research


Ms Grace Benyon

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Leo Chiu-Leung

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Sina Ehlert

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Sarah Ghobish

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Bambang Hermanto

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Peter Lowley

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Taleatha Pell

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Crystle Wee

College of Science and Engineering


Mr Daniel Croul

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Brooklyn Johnson

College of Science and Engineering

Mr John Stratford

Newcastle University, UK


Ms Corinne Allen

University of Melbourne - School of BioSciences

Ms Josie Chandler

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Rhys Cornish

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Aman Gosain


Ms Ana Carolina Grillo Monteiro

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Elizabeth Kaplan

Southern Cross University

Ms Emily Lazarus

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Alexander Macadam

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Ingo Miller

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Melissa Naugle

Southern Cross University School of Environment, Science, and Management

Ms Soren Schipper

Australian Rivers Institute

Mrs Merle Schlawinsky

College of Science and Engineering


Ms Martina Burgo

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Ms Valerie Cornet

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Tanya Dodgen

Queensland University of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ms Julia Yun-Hsuan Hung

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Bede Johnston

University of Melbourne

Ms Rachel King

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Ms Sarah Lok Ting Kwong

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Ms Marine Lechene

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Martina Lonati

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Rachel Neil

College of Science and Engineering

Mrs Tiny Remmers Barry

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Mr Marko Terzin

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Callaway Thatcher

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Kelsey Webber

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Ms Taylor Whitman

College of Science and Engineering


Mrs Sandra Erdmann

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Eric Fakan

ARC Centre of Excellence Coral Reef Studies

Mrs Redbird Ferguson

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Katrina Kaposi

College of Medicine and Dentistry

Mr Raf Rashid

College of Science and Engineering

Ms Marie Thomas

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences

Ms Gretel Waugh

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (UQ)

Ms Beatriz Zachello

FURG - Federal University of Rio Grande


Ms Dharini Jha

College of Science and Engineering

Mr Alfonso Ruiz Moreno

College of Science and Engineering


Ms Stephanie DiPerna

College of Science and Engineering